What Size Conference Table for Room? A Complete Guide

When it comes to setting up a conference room, choosing the right size conference table is crucial. It can make or break the functionality and aesthetic of the room. In this guide, we will cover the factors you need to consider when determining the appropriate size conference table for your room.

Room Size Considerations

The first factor to consider when determining the size of a conference table is the size of the room. It is important to measure the room’s dimensions to determine the maximum size of the table that can fit without overcrowding the space.

The second factor is the shape of the room. If the room is rectangular, a rectangular conference table would be the most practical choice. If the room is square, a round conference table would be more suitable. It is essential to choose a table shape that complements the shape of the room to avoid an awkward layout.

Other factors to consider when sizing the table to the room include the location of doors, windows, and other furniture pieces in the room. A conference room with large windows may need a smaller table to avoid blocking the view. On the other hand, a conference room with many doors may require a larger table to accommodate the necessary seating capacity.

Considering these factors when sizing the conference table to the room ensures that the room feels spacious, comfortable, and functional.

Seating Capacity

The second factor to consider when choosing a conference table’s size is the number of seats needed. The table must accommodate all participants comfortably, with enough space to move around and access necessary materials.

The standard rule of thumb is to allocate 30 inches of table length per person. For example, a six-person conference table would require a length of 180 inches (6 x 30 inches). However, this rule of thumb may vary depending on the type of seating used. For instance, if you’re using swivel chairs with armrests, you may need to allocate more space per person.

It is also essential to consider the number of chairs that can fit comfortably around the table. Each person should have enough elbow room and personal space to avoid feeling cramped. The size of the chairs should be considered when determining the table’s size, as larger chairs require more space.

By calculating the seating capacity needed, you can determine the appropriate length and width of the conference table. This ensures that all participants have enough space to work comfortably, and the room feels functional and professional.

Table Shape

The third factor to consider when choosing the size of a conference table is the table shape. The shape of the table can impact the functionality and aesthetic of the room. Common shapes for conference tables include rectangular, round, oval, and boat-shaped tables.

Rectangular tables are the most common choice for conference rooms. They are practical and easy to arrange, with enough space for participants to work and communicate effectively. Round tables are also popular, as they promote collaboration and encourage conversation. Oval tables are a combination of rectangular and round tables and offer the best of both worlds. Boat-shaped tables are a unique and stylish option, providing a modern twist to traditional conference rooms.

When choosing the shape of the table, it is essential to consider the room’s shape and size and the number of participants. Rectangular tables work well in rectangular rooms, while round tables are ideal for square rooms. Oval and boat-shaped tables work well in larger rooms and with a higher number of participants.

Other Considerations

Besides the size, shape, and seating capacity of the conference table, other factors should be considered when setting up the conference room. The purpose of the room should be taken into account when choosing the table’s size and shape. For instance, a board meeting room may require a rectangular table, while a collaborative workspace may benefit from a round table.

The style and aesthetic of the conference room should also be considered. The table should complement the room’s decor and create a professional and inviting atmosphere. The material and finish of the table should be chosen based on the room’s style and practicality.

The location of the table in the room should also be considered. The table should be placed in a central location, with enough space around it for participants to move around freely. The table should also be positioned to avoid glare from windows or overhead lighting.

By considering these other factors, you can create a conference room that is functional, stylish, and professional. It ensures that the conference table size and shape complement the room’s decor and purpose, and the room’s layout promotes collaboration and productivity.


Choosing the right size conference table is essential to create a functional and professional conference room. Factors such as the room size, seating capacity, table shape, purpose, style, and location should be considered when selecting the table’s size and shape. By following this guide and considering all these factors, you can ensure that your conference room is inviting, functional, and promotes collaboration and productivity. For more informative articles, visit Ninwifi.com.

Other Considerations

There are several other factors to consider when choosing the appropriate size conference table for your room. These factors include the purpose of the room and the style and aesthetic of the room.

The purpose of the room is an essential factor to consider when choosing the size of the conference table. If the room’s primary use is for board meetings, a larger table may be necessary to accommodate the necessary participants and equipment. On the other hand, if the room is used for smaller, intimate meetings, a smaller table may be more appropriate.

The style and aesthetic of the room should also be considered when selecting the size of the conference table. If the room has a modern, minimalist design, a sleek, smaller table would complement the room’s aesthetic. If the room has a more traditional, classic design, a larger, more ornate table may be more appropriate.


Choosing the right size conference table for your room is essential to ensure maximum functionality and comfort. By considering factors such as room size, seating capacity, table shape, and other considerations such as the room’s purpose and style, you can select a table that fits your needs and complements the room’s aesthetic.

At Ninwifi.com, we understand that setting up a conference room can be a daunting task. That’s why we created this guide to help you choose the appropriate size conference table for your room. By following these guidelines, you can create a professional, functional, and comfortable space for your meetings and presentations.

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